Monday, April 30, 2012

Name Change Again? Make Your Mind Up!

What???  I have to apologize but after checking with friends, family, etc. on their opinions of the new blog name, "The Color Matriarch", the truth came out!  "Too old sounding, stuffy, somebody's grandma", blah, blah, blah.  Not my intention, but I do want to put an appropriate face out there, and I hope I'm none of the above - yet!  If you signed up to my blog when it was also, you can now delete that.  I am so sorry to ask you to do this as I want it to be easy for you to follow along with me!  I so appreciate your loyalty! :)  With that said, if you are getting this email, which is back at the original address of, then you should be good and not need to resubscribe.  If you are following me through on Facebook, you should be good and not need to resubscribe too, but may want to double check.  The RSS people will definitely need to resubscribe. 

Below is the new blog address to make sure you are appropriately signed up:

I know it's a long name, hence, the reason why I was trying to think of some ingenious, catchy, and shorter new name.  But I can't think of a clever name I truly am in love with yet, soooo instead of rushing into it, I will wait and I just know one of these days it will "hit" me, and then I can say, YES, that's a perfect name for my blog.

Please continue to follow me!!  And more importantly, THANK YOU for following me!!!

Best, Susan

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